Monday, October 01, 2007

finally an update - our 21:)

Bahhh.. what a bad blogger i am. So irregular. Anyway, today i'll blog about the some happy things that happened last week.

The week has been busy busy for me thanks to assignment and tests, and exams! Plus I've attached myself to a part time job cos I thought it would be good for me to gain some finance experience before I graduated. Work's good, but it's my first time handling work and studies at the same time. So this week, Mr Aw Boon Chin (ABC) didn't want to meet me during our normal going-out-days Wed and Fri, so that I could concentrate. For the good i guess, but it didn't make me happy...

Wednesday was our 21 month anniv! For the first time after a long time, we both have remembered it before the actual day. Sadly, most of the time recently has been either both of us wishing days after, on the wrong day, or either one (ABC) wishing and the other (hehe. normally me) pretending to remember back. what a terrible gf i am... But we didn't wanna go out so that i could do work.

Same for friday, cos sat was my mid term exam, and cos ABC thought i was having dinner at home. However, i ended up eating alone at home, cos my parents had to fetch colin last min. So i was pouting over hokkien mee. Called ABC and he said that he was at jurong, going to meet this guy to pass him some freelance work... I was more miserable now...
Then an hr later, my doorbell rang... MR ABC popped by with this!

WAHHHH!! His jurong was actually at the Macs near my place (RideOutTea Garden Macs). And within that Macs compound, there's this far east flora. So he went there to get me flowers, and ended up eating dinner by himself. *so poor thing. hahaha so me and him were actually eating alone. And he also came with this small tub of haagen daaz ice cream - belgium choc flavour. *sorry no photo of that cos i couldn't resist waiting to eat it. So paiseh but i totally cried.. ABC was sooo sweet! All for celebration of our coming 21.

Why paiseh i should feel you may ask? But actually sometime last week, i was actually complaining to him about us. I told him that we were doing mundane things... dinners and movies... nothing EXCITING! haha then i told him maybe cos we were going old so never do EXCITING things! I even told him maybe we should go clubbing again! and then learn new things together! hahaha I even told him he was an oldie... *gulps. *sorry dear.

Haiz, and there he goes all out to make me happy as usual. Hugging me, he just said, don't worry, i know you were stressed. What a terrible gf he got himself...

Anyway, after my exam on sat, we decided to do EXCITING! So when he asked for suggestions, i came up 'how about shopping?' This time he was the one to remind me about our EXCITING quest! NO SHOPPING! ok fine... so we decided on walking along clarke quay, outside our usual orchard relm.
Finally i brought my camera out today, so we could snap many photos.
ABC and I bought drinks from this HUGE HUGE japanese supermarket. I like my drink! I got introduced to this at the Japanese Summer Festival. In order to open it, you have to press down this marble like cover till the marble enters the bottle.. very fun! But we spent quite some muscle strength popping the marble down. ABC's drink and mine totally didn't mix. And his drink was from a pharmacy somemore!!!

On the way, we saw nice REAL flowers, quite rarely to be seen in tropical Singapore. Not the type of flower. But to see REAL nice flowers. Quite impressed.

Then we found this cute cafe selling muffins and tea. It's called Paisley & Cream. Do check it out! I think they sell pretty good muffins of reasonable price too. And I think now they are having this promotion of 20% less on food items i think!

heheh... we got a bit restless...

After that, we headed to ulu Singapore. K maybe just to me. We went down to Katong side to eat Aston's steak! When we went there, there was this looooonggg queue, and by the time it was our turn, 40 mins had passed. So ABC became a hungry grouch by the time we were seated.

hehehhe. and worse, I made him take photos before he could tuck in. *meanie gf.

Aiyaya, teeehehe look at his hungry face!

Oh well, nevermind, ABC was happy in the end and so was I! Steak was good good, and the price was even better!

Thank you for the lovely day my dear. I thank you for being such a gem in my life.

And there we end our day with these rat/bear/alien lamps. So funnyyyy!!!
I want this one with hands!
hehe. cheers to many more months my dear! Happy 21!