Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Mommy and Aunt coming to visittt!!

I'm supposed to be studying for my Tourism exam, but my hand got itchy again as my brain took a stroll down memory lane....

Anyway, I am sooOOO excited that my Mom and Aunt, both are coming down!!! CAN'T WAIT! I thought my travelling plans would come to an end once term ended too, and slowly wait for Thai Airways to give me an earlier date to return home to my babe. But then, maybe it was fated that they gave me a reasonable date of the 19th, such that my 2 fav ladies could make their way down! It was a pity that my mom didn't plan earlier, so that she could have come from Japan straight to here together with Aunt.

I have booked flights from Zurich to London already! Cos that's where Mom suggested to see, maybe that's her dream place to visit in Europe. And then, after that we'll head down to Paris, again. Yes yes i've been there, but i guess going there with them would be an overall different experience altogether. And I'll be there superguide, whom will zoom them to places real fast. And not excluding their favourite tea breaks allll the time. Ladureeee here i come again!

I can't wait. I just wish there was someone more coming down too:( But all is good. It turned out to be a real blessing in disguise. I'll still be looking forward to coming home, and into much chinese and mcdonald food!

BTW, Happy 18th month darling! It was supposed to be yesterday, I'm soooo sorry that I forgot about it. I love you and I hope you still love me toooooo:) *muacks


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