Zoo trip! *finally
Have you been to the zoo recently? Cos you should really go there! The place has totally evolved to something so foreign, maybe for the fact that the last time i went there was during primary school.Last Thursday, Shannon and I finally did some real outing. Armed with his free tickets, 6 egg mayo sandwiches that we made and camera, we headed to the zoo. It felt really nice and comfortable there, probably like what he says, 'it's a place i call home.' :(
Anyway, here are some pictures to tell you how it all went.
*steph, i think yr zoo pictures are still nicer, just that mine got Shannon in it!!!! hehe. so i love mine too!
Happy Bins of the Zoo
Excited couple
Was initially so scared of this animal cos there were so many in the fragile forest compound. But thought it was the sweetest:) It just grabbed my finger out of the blue!
Animal of the day!!! This small little creature in the photo was just aboslutely hilarious. It was trying to eat this orange, and 'open' it by tossing it up into the air and crashing it to the floor.
A total joy to watch:)
I say the zoo is a recommended place for all couples to go!!
I'm currently doing an assignment...
Enjoy your holidays yeah! I'll come join you guys in about 6-7 weeks time!
Summer term really sucks.
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