Halloween even better.
Halloween last mon was seriously AWESOME.We went out to far east the day before to find whatever scraps of clothes we could get our hands on, for our outfits. The last minute shopping was quite good, in getting ownership of a beautiful top and a pair of funky stockings.
On the day itself, Gracia got her aunt to be our make up artists. So we were ensured of looking good throughout the night. Even Darrell looked seriously good *thought he looked really scary* .Agreed hands down that aunt angie sure did a great job in making we all happy girls solemn and scary. My darlings; Gracia, Yue Min and Jess sure did portray a different side of them. Haha. Even I was trying very hard to be as scary as they were.
Anyway, after getting all of us dolled out. We walked out of school seriously scaring everyone along the way. Haha it was so damn fun. Cos I never really could scare people before. Zouk was our destination but because we were not dressed up as a character, we weren’t allowed in for free. However, queueing up for entry was a huge eye-opener. There were many hilarious and crazy characters. People entered zouk as tables, mad doctors, boar, dragon, French maids, fairies and uncountable more.
Energiser battery (Biao), Me and Energiser bunny (Kev). hehe.
Feeling slightly depressed for having quite some time wasted at Zouk, we decided to head off to Chinablack. There, I saw Mark at the main entrance! Hehe. And his friend was such a dear, selling us really cheap tickets at $10 each.
There was a reasonable crowd in Chinablack. Not too packed, just nice. There, I had my first bottle of beer, though poor Darrell had to help me finish it… and my second bottle too Anyway, having him and the girls was really super fun. From the dance floor, we went up to the podium!! And I swear it’s our makeup being the reason for our boldness. Never have I been that mad.
After leaving that place at around 5am, all of us went to Breko at Holland V for supper cum breakfast. We stayed until nearly 7am, whereby our exhaustiveness finally came over us. Gracia went back to wash up and head off to school again. Yuemin and Darrell left for home. I went to nap in preparation for my committee photoshoot later at 11.
An awesome fun black day of which a busy new day follows after...
Finally I see a dark me. Of which I never knew its existence.
What do you think?
I love my dearies.
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